Monday, May 14, 2012

Two Months!

Today is the 60th day that I have been on the road!  I have logged over 8500 miles in this time, and I continue to meet interesting people, and spend a lot of time in interesting and beautiful places.  It has been a very rewarding trip thus far, and I expect to continue to be impressed with the natural wonders of this country and the people I meet as I travel around it.

A few casualties: 1 broken tent stake, 1 roll of paper towels that the wind stole from my car in New Mexico, a torn strap on my Osprey day pack, about $50 worth of missing camera filters.  I've also had to have some work done on my car, as detailed early, when I was in Mobile, AL.  I knew my shocks were near the end of their life when I started, and the gravel roads and potholes are revealing how bad the right rear one is, so it may be necessary to replace them at some point, but I'm going to try to prolong it as much as possible, because it would be much cheaper for me to do when I get home.  Careful driving and keeping an eye on road conditions (a habit you develop when you drive a vehicle with relatively low clearance) makes it managable most of the time.

I have just finished 5 days in Yosemite, and am in Merced, en route to Big Sur/ Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, then on to San Francisco. I don't expect to reach the Big Sur parks today, as I will stop when I am near there for some recuperation (shave/shower, place to sleep other than my car).

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