Friday, July 6, 2012

General State of the Drive

Today is Day 112, and I'm currently in Anchorage, Alaska.  This is sort of the half way point according to my original plan, which is being rewritten due to finances.  I will not be able to afford a trip through the North-East/New England area, so that will have to wait for a follow up trip.  I am planning to visit my friends Matt and Amanda in Minnesota, then head directly home through America's heartland.  These are states I haven't visited yet, and are quite a bit cheaper to travel through, so I am not very disappointed that my plans have been forced to change.

I have logged nearly 15,000 miles on my car, plus around 530 miles of ferry travel and probably several hundred miles traversed on foot. 

I continue to meet many interesting people, and I've given out many of the business cards I printed to invite people to this site. Very few of them have commented, so I don't know how many have actually looked at it, but I've enjoyed meeting them, even if they don't wish to keep up communication with me afterward.

My primary camera died, and needs to be sent to Nikon for an extensive repair to it and the lens, so I am now only using my Canon point and shoot.  My car has had a few repairs along the way (~$800 in Mobile and a new battery (~$100) in San Francisco), and, as you can see from my recent post, is currently in need of extensive body work ($500 deductable + 20% of rental vehicle).  I found a body shop today that is ordering parts, which will take about a week to arrive, then the work should be around 3-4 days.  While waiting for the parts, I'm going to explore the Kenai peninsula, then during the work, I'm planning to explore Denali and Fairbanks.

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