Thursday, March 22, 2012

Concerning Pictures...

Being a visual person, I fully appreciate that the lack of pictures on some of my recent posts is noticeable, and subtracts from much of the interest - and indeed, the point of this blog.  I do after all have the word "camera" in the title of the blog, and it's not just so I can carry a camera around without taking pictures.  Quite the opposite is the truth.  As you can tell from just my first two days, I've packed in a lot in this trip, and I want to share it.

As any of you who have accompanied me anywhere while I have a camera wit me know, I tend to take many pictures.  Having over 3000 pictures to sort through in a week's time, while also trying to collect more, edit them, choose which ones to upload, organize the rest of the data (text and maps), and plan my route and find a place to spend each night is more than a full time job.  The Blogger interface for adding pictures also is quite clumsy, only allowing you to upload one at a time and imposing it's own idea of formatting on them, rather than allowing you to easily move things around as you want.  I am doing my best to get these up, as it will highly add to the interest of this blog, and better allow you to relate to the experiences I write about.  Stay tuned, and I will get them up.

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